The only difference is that heirs

How to get the inheritance of a Turkish citizen When a citizen dies in Turkey hospitals automatically send a Death Notification to the relevant government agencies such as civil registration offices registry offices and courts. Heirs can simply apply to the court or to a notary public and obtain a certificate of succession a certificate that includes all inheritance rights to the movable and immovable property of the decease. According to this certificate after paying the tax the inheritance can be divide.

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The heritage of foreigners in Turkey When a foreign owner dies the Turkish inheritance system works much the same as it does for Turkish citizens must provide an official Certificate of Right to Inheritance and Marriage Registration Document from the Romania WhatsApp Number List foreigners country of origin. However different requirements apply to countries that are members of the Hague Convention and those that have not signe the agreement If the country is a member of the Hague Convention you can simply provide the Certificate of Right to Inheritance and Marriage Registration Document as these documents are valid in Turkey and accepte by the relevant authorities.

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If your country is not a member of the Hague Convention it is necessary to check whether a mutual agreement has been signe between the USA Phone Number List government of Turkey and the foreigners country of origin on the mutual recognition of documents. In this case the provide documentation will also be recognize by the Turkish authorities. When there is no mutual agreement between the countries to obtain a Certificate of Right to Inheritance it is necessary to go to court. He will determine if the death certificate is valid and after establishing legal relations with your country will determine the heirs for the Certificate of Inheritance.

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