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B2B Leads: Successful Lead Generation on LinkedIn

B2B Leads: Successful Lead Generation on LinkedIn
B2B Lead Generation on LinkedIn

Looking back at the developments in online marketing over the past few years, you will notice that customer acquisition has changed dramatically. Nowadays, we try to make contacts on social media. LinkedIn is no exception to this. And right here, B2B leads can be found with ease.

B2B companies need to win leads

with a creative strategy if they want to be successful in this interconnected world. For most marketers, this means developing a strategy that encompasses multiple strategic levels – including social media marketing on various platforms.

This article discusses ways to generate leads cyprus phone resource on LinkedIn and introduces each method.

LinkedIn Is One of the Best Platforms for Lead Generation
Internal surveys conducted by LinkedIn show that 93% of all B2B marketers believe that marketing within the platform is the most effective way of generating leads. If you need to launch an optimal B2B lead generation campaign on LinkedIn, you can also check the definitive guide from Gotoclient.

In every online guide, you can read how to win leads using LinkedIn. It always comes down to the same thing: Join. Be active. Collect leads.

There is nothing wrong with all this, in general, except generating more leads: 14 smart lead generation tips if it were that easy, we wouldn’t have to publish another blog post.

Therefore, your query as to whether you should invest time and money in a LinkedIn approach is justified.

Success with LinkedIn Leads: Why bother?
LinkedIn Statistics

According to their own information, the network has:

500 Million members (13 million in the DACH region)
61 Millions of high-ranking influencers and
40 Millions of decision-makers who are using LinkedIn regularly.
Among those users are creative marketing specialists as well as influential managers in exact those hierarchies their marketing actions aim at.

LinkedIn is, therefore, a place where you can business to consumer databasereach decision-makers promoting a product or service (or generating leads).

The average CEO on LinkedIn has 930 connections.
24.5 million company pages were registered by 2 July 2018.
This makes LinkedIn – in contrast to other, more informal social networks – a serious platform for lead generation.

Turning Your LinkedIn Page into a B2B Lead Generation Page
Use an image that attracts attention or interest
Create a concise and convincing company description
Align the Recent Updates section to conversions
So you want LinkedIn Leads? Then, your site needs to target for it.

The first strategy we want to bring closer to you is the transformation of your business site into a B2B lead generation page. What this means is that in the future you will be portraying precisely the opposite of what your company is currently showing.

Let me guess. Your company page quotes the most important facts about your company. Please get rid of it because:

Unfortunately, nobody reads the information and facts about the company. This implies that before the prospects even looked into your services, your profile is out of the game.

Instead, structure your company page in such a way that it leads to a conversion action. A conversion action is a click onto your website, either in the company description or in the updates.

Step 1: Use an image that attracts attention or interest.
The header image is the easiest way to stimulate the visitor’s interest and actively encourage him to interact.

Place a message directly in your header. For instance:

“Get your guide to reach the influencer you need.”
“Step by step to the perfect header on LinkedIn: design guide included”
The reader’s next logical step is to get the promised material.

Remember: The picture must catch the reader’s attention and prompt him to take action.

Step 2: Create a concise and convincing company description.
Even if the first step proves successful, many companies fail at this point.

Your company page must not reflect any dry facts. How strongly you grew and how many locations you operate right now are not the stuff a lead generation page is made of.

Talk directly to your target group. Invite them to communicate with you.
The most important part of your company description is the first two lines.
That is all visitors can see. To get more information, they must actively click on “See more”.

That means, you got only two lines to draw the visitor’s attention.

All the beautiful paperwork you have done for your company website will be waste of time otherwise.

Step 3: Align the Recent Updates section to conversions.
If potentials customers don’t click their way to your website because of your information description, convince them to remain with your updates by publishing updates regularly. As long as you do that your site will show an active and appealing feed. The best path into your customers’ minds are updates that deal directly with their interests and needs:

Relevant blog updates
Links to infographics
Industry information
Remember: “Clicks” is all you want. Always keep this in mind when publishing updates. Key to success is what you write and how you convey the message.

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